Desperate Faith is How We See - Mark 10:46-52

Serve - Mark 10:32-45

Questions for further reflection:

1) How did Jesus serve?

2) Why is serving so hard?

3) Why are James and John concerned about where to sit?

4) How are you like James and John?

5) What did Jesus come to do?

6) Why is that good news for those of us who are selfish?

Surrender - Mark 10:17-31

Questions for further reflection:

1) What must you do to be saved?

2) What are you being shown to be holding too tightly?

3) Who can be saved?

4) Why is a surrendered life worth it?

5) How has Jesus led the way?

6) Are you all in?

Becoming a Child - Mark 10:13-16

Questions for further reflection:

1) What are the heart attitudes of a child that Jesus wants adults to cultivate?

2) How dependent on God are you in your day-to-day life? 

3) Do you tend to be more teachable or a more opinionated person? 

4) When did you put your faith in Jesus Christ?

5) How does it make you feel that through faith you become a child of God?

Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage - Mark 10:1-12

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why do the Pharisees want to know what Jesus has to say about divorce?

2) What is God's feeling about divorce?

3) Why can marriage be difficult?

4) What is Jesus's point in quoting Genesis 2?

5) What does Ephesians 5:22-33 declare about marriage?

6) Why does God put restrictions on divorce and remarriage?

Humility - Mark 9:30-50

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is the gospel humbling?

2) Why is position and rank so appealing?

3) Why does Jesus want to crush that desire?

4) What do we lose when we think our corner of Christianity is the only one that is right?

5) How are you being challenged to repent?

Being a Desperate Parent in a Fearful World - Mark 9:14-29

Enjoy Youth Sunday!

The services and worship were led by the Ambassadors Youth Group and Pastor Josh.

Glorious - Mark 9:1-13

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is Jesus transfigured?

2) What tie to the OT do we see in verses 1-3? Why is that significant?

3) What does the cloud reveal?

4) Why should we listen to Jesus?

5) Why does having the Word so important?

6) Why is suffering so necessary?

The Christ - Mark 8:27-38

Questions for further reflection:
1) What does it mean that Jesus is the Christ?

2) Who do you say Jesus is?

3) Why must Jesus die?

4) Why does Jesus rebuke Peter?

5) Why is Jesus's call so radical?