“The Eternal State” - Revelation 19:11-16; 21:1-8

Questions for further reflection:

1) What about Jesus's return amazes you?

2) Why is Hell necessary?

3) How does God dwelling with us satisfy our longings?

Prayer Prompt: Come Lord Jesus!

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“Christian Living” - Romans 12:9-21

Questions for further reflection:

1) How are you called to love the church?

2) How can you outdo showing honor to those in the church?

3) What is so challenging about loving the world?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, give me the grace to love like Jesus.

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“The Sacraments” - Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-30

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is it so necessary for you to obey Jesus in baptism and Communion?

2) When have you sensed the Lord give you grace when taking Communion?

3) Why are the sacraments so essential to the Christian community?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, thank you for giving us physical graces that point us to our saving grace from you.

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“The Church” - Acts 2:42-47

Questions for further reflection:

1) What is the church and why is it essential to gather?

2) What are ways the church functioned in Acts 2 that you can incorporate in your life?

3) What personal risk can you take this week that might move someone

closer to being a part of God's church?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me to see your purpose and desire for the church and mold my desires to yours.

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“The Holy Spirit” - Romans 8:9-17, 26-27

Questions for further reflection:

1) How does the Spirit give life?

2) Why is adoption as God's child so important for you?

3) How can you increase your partnership with the Holy Spirit in prayer?

Prayer Prompt: Father, thank you for indwelling me with your Spirit so I might live out the abundant life you've given me in Christ.

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“The Gospel” - 1 Corinthians 15:1-5

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is the gospel of first importance?

2) Why is it important to you that there are past, present, and future aspects to the gospel?

3) Who is the Lord encouraging you to share the gospel with?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me to hold fast to the gospel and to be used as your mouthpiece to bring it to others.

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“Jesus” - Hebrews 1:1-3

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is it important that Jesus is God's promised Messiah?

2) Why is it necessary for you that Jesus be fully God and fully man?

3) Why do you need Jesus to be your mediator?

Prayer Prompt: Father, thank you for sending Jesus! Teach me more of who He is so I might go forth proclaiming Him!

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“The Human Condition” - Genesis 1:26-27 ; 3:1-7

Questions for further reflection:

1) What evidence is there around you that humanity is precious?

2) What does it look like to protest the wider culture by showing a better vision of what it means to be image bearers?

3) What are ways you try to excuse your sin?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, remind me that I am precious in your sight, and that you welcome me to confess my brokenness to you, knowing you will forgive me.

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“God” - Acts 17:22-31

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“The Bible” - 2 Peter 1:16-21

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is it so necessary that God speaks?

2) How is the Word and light for you?

3) Why can you trust God's Word?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, give me the grace to believe, obey, and trust Your Word.

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