Foolishness - Proverbs 1:20-22

Questions for further reflection:

1) How have you grown in godly wisdom this past year? What are some ways you have acted foolishly this past year?

2) When was the last time you were in God's Word? What are your current daily rhythms of being in the Bible?

3) As we start the New Year, how would you like to grow in spending time in God's Word? Give tangible action steps.

4) Why is Jesus' path of wisdom a better path?

Please give here.

Praise the Lord! - Psalm 147:7-20

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The Shepherd King - Psalm 80:1-7

Questions for further reflection:

1) Are you turning to your Shepherd for leading in the darkness?

2) How is your King reigning in your life?

3) How have you seen God's good sovereignty in your life?

4) How is the Lord challenging you to look up?

Please give here.

Righting Our Wrongs - Psalm 85:7-13

Questions for further reflection:

1) What is the benefit of the Lord forgiving your sin?

2) Where do you need the Lord to restore your joy? Pray to Him now to do so.

3) How has the Lord shown His steadfast love to you?

4) How does looking to the future help your joy now?

Please give here.

Righting Wrongs Done - Psalm 126

Questions for further reflection:

1) What captivity has the Lord delivered you from?

2) How do you express your gratitude for release from difficulties?

3) Where do you need your fortunes restored?

4) How are you being encouraged to persevere by God's grace while you await final restoration?

Please give here.

Hope in Darkness - Psalm 25:1-10

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why do we tend to look past the darkness and rush to being happy?

2) In what ways do you relate with David and his circumstances?

3) What sin is the Lord convicting you to confess?

4) How do you see God being good and upright in your own life?

Please give here.