The Promise Continues - Genesis 24:1 - 25:11

Questions for further reflection:

1) What legacy do you want to leave?

2) Where is the Lord pressing you to be more prayerfully dependent?

3) Where have you seen the Lord provide for you? Have you worshiped Him for that provision?

4) Where is the Lord calling you to go?

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Haggling with Hittites - Genesis 23

Questions for further reflection:

1) What are the signs of God's grace in your life?

2) How have you seen God keep his promises in ways that you didn't expect?

3) Are there promises that you are having trouble believing are true?

4) What does it mean that the promises of God are "incomplete" or that they await their complete fulfillment?

5) How are you living in or holding onto hope right now? For whom are you praying for a chance to share the hope of the Gospel?

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Genesis 22

Questions for further reflection:

1) Where in your life are you waiting to see the whole picture before you act, before you obey? What action or step of obedience might God be calling you to take?

2) How can you be spiritually dependent in the next week?

3) What part of your life are you asking the question, “How is this going to work out?” From Genesis 22, what is one action step that needs to be taken in this area of your life?

4) What in your life might you change in order to cultivate greater closeness with God?

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Isaac or Ishmael - Genesis 21

Questions for further reflection:

1) How did you respond when a promise you had been waiting for finally arrived?

2) How have you seen God's provision when He took something from you?

3) What promises of God do you need to cling to right now?

4) How does Galatians 4:21-31 help us understand this passage?

5) In what ways has God grown you over the last few years to be more like Jesus?

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If at First You Don’t Succeed…” - Genesis 20

Questions for further reflection:

1) What fears do you have that drive sinful reactions?

2) What sin do you want the Lord to take away? Take some time to pray and plead with the Lord for grace to say "no" to sin and "yes" to Christ.

3) How might the Lord be prompting you to grow in the fear of Him?

4) How do you know the Lord has forgiven you?

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Destruction Because of Sin - Genesis 19

Questions for further reflection:

1) Are there ways you see our society like Sodom and Gomorrah?

2) Why does God judge the city?

3) What is the significance of Lot's lingering?

4) Are there ways you see the culture influencing you toward sin?

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A Vision and Prayer - Genesis 18

Questions for Further Reflection:

1) Why is it so important that God has come?

2) Is there anything you've thought is too hard for the Lord? If so, what? Why did you think that?

3) What is God's justice so important to you?

4) How does God being omniscient affect how you pray?

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A Sign - Genesis 17

Questions for further reflection:

1) With the revelation of God's name and renaming of Abraham and Sarah, how do these help and encourage your faith?

2) When have you thought, "this seems impossible" as it relates to God's promises? Do you still feel that way? How has God met you in your questions?

3) Why is obedience from Abraham so necessary?

4) Have you been baptized? If not, why not?

5) How is God calling you to obedience?

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Lack of Trust - Genesis 16

Questions for Further Refection:

1) How are you trying to solve your own problems?

2) When have you tried to solve a problem without relying on God? How did you make it worse?

3) Do you believe God hears your afflictions? Why or why not?

4) Why is it comforting that God knows you fully and provides what you need?

5) How does this passage help you turn to the Lord first?

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Covenant Initiated - Genesis 15

Questions for further reflection:

1) Are you trusting God to protect and fulfill what He says He will?

2) What is so significant of God crediting righteousness to those who believe?

3) What are ways you might try to earn your righteousness?

4) How does the ratifying of the covenant point us forward to Jesus?

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Deliverance - Genesis 14

* Due to technical difficulties, there is only audio with this recording. *

Questions for further reflection:

1) How have you seen Jesus be your warrior?

2) What spiritual battles are going on around you?

3) In what areas of your life do you need to depend on Jesus?

4) Is Jesus your righteousness?

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The Promised Land and the Promise of Other Lands - Genesis 13

Questions for further reflection:

  1. Recall a time when your expectations for a place, an event, or an experience were not met. What was your response? Why did you respond that way?

  2. What does repentance look like in your life? Is it something you do often/occasionally/rarely/never? If it’s rarely or never, why do you think that is?

  3. Do you find it difficult to celebrate the successes and blessings in others’ lives when they get what you wanted? Why do you think that is?

  4. What part of the gospel (what Jesus has done for sinners) do you need to remember today? What promises of God in scripture do you need to remember?

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Promises Made - Genesis 12

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why does God make these promises to Abram? What does this tell us about ourselves?

2) How is Abram's faith on display? Why is it hard for you to do what Abram did?

3) Why does Abram's faith waiver and fail? What has this looked like in your own life?

4) How does God save the day for Abram and Sarai? How has God graciously intervened in your life?

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