“Know” - John 17:20-26

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why can unity be so difficult for you to pursue?

2) How does Jesus's prayer that we be where He is encourage you?

3) How do you know the Father's love is in you?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, remind me often to pray and pursue what Jesus prays for.

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“Kept While Sent” - John 17:6-19

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“Glory” - John 17:1-5

Questions for further reflection:

1) What does it look like for you to pray with greater dependence?

2) Where do you need the Lord's help with obedience?

3) How can you pray for God's glory in your life and in the lives of those around you?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me to pattern my prayers off of what Jesus prays for.

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“Take Heart” - John 16:25-33

Questions for further reflection:

1) When do you most need to be reminded that the Father loves you?

2) How are you misunderstanding Jesus?

3) Do you have the peace that Jesus offers?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, please give me the peace that only you can offer because Jesus has overcome the world.

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“A Little While” - John 16:16-24

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why are the times confusing?

2) How does Jesus provide you joy?

3) How does the promise of full joy affect your prayers?

Prayer Prompt: Lord. lead me to ask in Jesus’s name that my eternal joy and other’s eternal joy might be complete.

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“The Spirit’s Work” - John 16:4c-15

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is it necessary that the Spirit is sent?

2) How have you seen the Spirit bring conviction in your own life?

3) How do you see the Holy Spirit guiding you?

Prayer Prompt: Spirit, be my guide while glorifying Jesus through my life.

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“It’s Going to be Hard” - John 15:18 - 16:4b

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why do you need to be prepared to be hated?

2) How does the Holy Spirit help with B.L.E.S.S.?

3) How do you need the Spirit to help you persevere in the faith?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, you have made me aware of how I'll be viewed, please give me the grace to persevere.

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“Greater Love” - John 15:9-17

Questions for further reflection:

1) How does keeping His commands show abiding love and joy?

2) Why is it vital to you that Jesus calls you His friend?

3) How are you enabled to love one another?

Prayer Prompt: Father, increase my desire for obedient abiding.

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“ Abide” - John 15:1-8

Questions for further reflection:

1) Are you abiding in Jesus?

2) Are you bearing fruit?

3) Is the glory of God your priority?

Prayer Prompt: Please provide the grace I need to abide in you.

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“My Peace” - John 14:25-31 (Youth Sunday)

Questions for further reflection:

1) What is making you tremble?

2) Are you seeking peace in God's Word?

3) Do you have peace in the face of Opposition? Of fear?

Prayer Prompt: Pray that God's Spirit would give you peace.

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“Another Helper” - John 14:15-24

Questions for further reflection:

1) Do you love Jesus?

2) Why is the Spirit our Helper?

3) How will you know of God's love for you?

Prayer Prompt: Father, open my eyes, through the Spirit's work, to love Jesus more.

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“Greater Works” - John 14:8-14

Questions for further reflection:

1) How are you a slow learner with what Jesus says?

2) Is it easier for you to trust what Jesus says or His works?

3) Who are you helping to know the gospel and fulfill the greater works?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, don't let me be a slow learner, but one who will speak of your great name.

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“The Way” - John 14:1-7

Questions for further reflection:

1) How is belief helpful for a troubled heart?

2) Why is the metaphor of a house with rooms significant for you?

3) Are you trusting Jesus as THE way?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me to behold Jesus and trust Him as the way, the truth, and the life.

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“Where Are You Going?” - John 13:31-38

Questions for further reflection:

1) How does Jesus show love?

2) What do you need to consider in your own life with Jesus's command?

3) How is your love for Jesus sometimes misplaced?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, give me the grace to be unified in love with your church.

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