“A Wedding, Wine, and a Whip” - John 2
Questions for further reflection:
1) What is so gracious about Jesus turning water to wine?
2) What is so significant about Jesus driving out the commerce in the temple?
3) How is Jesus the true and better temple?
Prayer Prompt: Lord, show me how Jesus is better than anything else in my life.
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“Following to Testify” - John 1:19-51
Questions for further reflection:
1) Which identity of Jesus is most compelling to you?
2) What might it look like for you to follow Jesus closer?
3) Who around you needs to be brought to Jesus?
Prayer Prompt: Jesus, help me to have courage and boldness to declare you to those around me.
Please give here.
“He Has Come” - John 1:1-18
Questions for further reflection:
1) What are the ways John makes sure his audience knows Jesus is God?
2) How do all the metaphors help us understand who Jesus is?
3) Why did God need to take on flesh in the person of Jesus?
Prayer Prompt: Lord, remind me often this week that the incarnation is stunning because of how great you are.
Please give here.