“God is Our Hope and Strength in the Past, Present, and Future” - Psalm 61
Questions for further reflection:
1. How do I respond when faced with struggles? Do I run to or away from God?
2. What specific promises or verses in God’s word bring you comfort?
3. What are vows or promises I need to make before God?
Prayer Prompt: Jesus, help me to see how great you are and that you love me no matter what I’m going through. Guide me so that I “may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. -Ephesian 4:18-
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“God is Our Refuge!” - Psalm 31
Questions for further reflection:
1. How do you cope with your difficult circumstances?
2. What are you going through right now that you need to surrender over to Him?
3. How do you declare God's faithfulness?
Prayer Prompt: On you, God, rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is you, God. I trust in you at all times; I pour out my heart before you; YOU are my refuge! Thank you for your faithfulness! Teach me how to trust you. In Jesus's name, Amen.
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“Overcoming Fear” - Psalm 27
Questions for further reflection:
1. What are some things that make you afraid today? As you read Psalm 27:1-3, what were the things that could have made King David afraid in his day?
2. Read Psalm 27:4. What is the “one thing” David wanted most? What do you think he means by “gaze upon the beauty of the LORD”? How did this help him overcome his fears?
3. Randy gave four reasons from Psalm 27 for why we can trust God to overcome our fears. Which of these reasons encouraged you the most and why?
Prayer Prompt: Psalm 27 reveals much about God and how he cares for us. Pray through Psalm27 and review the four reasons you can trust God to overcome your fears in the battles of life. Pray for an opportunity to encourage someone who is fearful with the good news of this Psalm.
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“A Reason for Hope” - Psalm 116
Questions for further reflection:
1. How does the psalmist describe their personal experience of God's deliverance in Psalm 116:1-4? What specific situations or emotions are mentioned, and how can you relate to these in your own life?
2. Psalm 116:5-11 highlights the psalmist's trust in God's righteousness, compassion, and protection. How do these verses demonstrate the psalmist's faithfulness despite their afflictions? Can you identify moments in your life where trusting in God's character helped you through difficult times?
3. In verses 12-14, the psalmist reflects on how they can repay the Lord for all His goodness. What are the specific actions or attitudes the psalmist commits to, and how can you apply these principles to your own expressions of gratitude to God?
4. The psalmist makes a public declaration of their faith and commitment to God in verses 17-19. What significance do these public acts of worship and testimony hold in the psalmist's relationship with God? How can you incorporate public expressions of faith into your own spiritual practice?
Prayer Prompts:
For those who haven’t asked God for forgiveness of their sin: Seek God for salvation from spiritual despair and death by asking God to forgive you of your sins.
For all: Thank God for his interest in your life and ask him to help and comfort in any discouragement you are experiencing this week.
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“Life is… God is…” - Psalm 34
Questions for further reflection:
1. How do you magnify the Lord?
2. What fears plague you the most?
3. Do you entirely trust our sovereign, almighty Lord God who wants to draw near to you?
Prayer Prompt: Lord Jesus, may we praise and magnify your name in true humility as revealed in scripture and creation every day. May we taste and see your wisdom, your grace, your love that redeemed us from eternal death and calls us to abide in you both now and forever.
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“My Lord? And my LORD!” - Psalm 16
Questions for further reflection:
1. What areas of my life are not the Lord’s yet?
2. What is the next step to having a more personal relationship with Jesus?
3. How can I know and experience that God is in control and is our refuge?
Prayer Prompt: LORD, you are my refuge and delight. You are all I need for this life and life in eternity with you. Help me to have my eyes lifted up and look daily in your Word for comfort and direction. Thank you for your continued grace to be a light to those around me.
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“Waiting for Mercy” - Psalm 130
Questions for further reflection:
1. When you sin, what typically keeps you from running straight to God for mercy?
2. What verse/promise from God’s Word gives you confidence that you’ll receive mercy in Jesus for your sin?
3. Who is someone else in your life that is need of God’s mercy and could use the hope found in Psalm 130?
Prayer Prompt: LORD, I confess my sin to you today and ask you to forgive me. Remind me of your unending mercy found in Jesus and restore my joy in you, that others may see and experience the hope that I have in you.
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“Hope in Suffering” - Psalm 22
Questions for further reflection:
1. Do you talk to God in honest ways? Do you share the truth with good friends and/or mentors? Do other people really know what is going on inside you?
2. When you suffer do you fix your eyes on Jesus Christ or do you fix them more firmly on yourself or your circumstances? How might the hardships you endure help you to consider the affliction that Christ endured on your behalf with more gratitude?
3. When you survey your past are you in awe of God's power and patience toward you? In the past, when has he displayed his power or patience in your life?
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“Who Am I?” - Psalm 8
Questions for further reflection:
1) 1. “Who am I?” Where are people looking to find the answer to this question today?
2) 2. In Psalm 8, what do you learn about God? What do you learn about yourself?
3) 3. How does Jesus (Matthew 21:17) and the writer of Hebrews (Hebrews 2:5-13) help us understand even more about God and his plan for us?
Prayer Prompt: Psalm 8 and New Testament writers (Matt. 21; Heb. 2) reveal so much about who God is and how he values us as human beings. Pray for those in your circle of friends and family who do not yet know this amazing God. Ask the Lord to help you find ways to share the good news with them.
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