“God is Still Good” - Psalm 73

Questions for further reflection:

1) Where do you feel the effects in your own life of the wicked prospering?

2) Why is joining the weekly gathered worship so important for a proper perspective?

3) What truths from this Psalm do you need to apply to your own heart and mind?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, give me the eyes to see and believe that you are my strength and refuge.

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“Save Us Again” - Psalm 83

Questions for further reflection:

1) What hardships and situations in your life make you feel like God is silent and they are loud?

2) What scriptures do you turn to as a reminder of God's faithfulness?

3) How are you holding onto the confidence of Christ in this hard world?

4) What enemies are you praying for?

Prayer Prompt: Instead of meditating on the hardships, this week instead meditate on the power of God to deliver you through the hardships.

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“ A Song of Praise” - Psalm 145

Questions for further reflection:

1) What qualities/character traits of God jump out at you and cause endless praise?

2) How are you "passing along" the mighty acts, deeds, and works of God?

3) What praise rhythms are going well for you? What methods of praise work best for you?

Prayer Prompt: Use this Psalm to praise God this week

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“A Prayer Song” - Psalm 108

Questions for further reflection:

1) How can you keep praise more prominent in your prayer life?

2) What deliverance do you need that you need to pray about?

3) What victory do you need God to provide?

Prayer Prompt: Pray specifically for the items that are prayed about in Psalm 108

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“Our Trustworthy God” - Psalm 91

Questions for further reflection:

1) How have you seen God be your refuge and fortress?

2) What fears keep you from trusting God?

3) Why is it so helpful for you that God personally guarantees what the psalmist writes?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me to trust you especially when the trials mount.

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“The Lord is Our Shepherd and Host” - Psalm 23

Questions for further reflection:

1. How does God show His provision in these verses?

2. What are some ways you have seen God's faithfulness in your life lately?

3. What can you share with your shepherd at FBC to have him pray more specifically for you?

Prayer Prompt: Pray to grasp God's complete and personal love for you in the struggles you are facing or will be facing.

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“Sing a New Song” - Psalm 144

Questions for further reflection:

1) What are ways in which you can take time to see who God "is", "does", and "gives" to lead you into worship of Him?

2) What does it look like to "sing a new song" to God at church? At home? With family? In private time?

3) What makes you confident in God? What is it about God that strengthens your faith in Him?

Prayer Prompt: If any of the above questions are lacking or feeble - pray for God to "stretch out His hand" to help you.

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“Salvation Belongs to the Lord” - Psalm 3

Questions for further reflection:

1) How are you or how have you been mocked for your faith? How have you responded?

2) What divine truth do you need to assert for the aid you need from God?

3) How does God's full future salvation provide hope for today?

Prayer Prompt: Pray to God now for His help in your need

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“Utter Confusion” - Psalm 44

Questions for further reflection:

1) What is a story you've heard from someone you love of God helping them? How does that encourage you to trust God?
2) What is going on in your life that is causing you to be confused about what God is doing?
3) What bold requests do you need to make to God while you wait?

Prayer Prompt: God, come to my help!

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