“The Face of God” - Isaiah 54:7-14
Questions for further reflection:
1) How would your life change if you always believe that God’s face is not one of anger?
2) Reflecting on the past year: What has caused me to lose sight of God in the past year?
3) Looking ahead to the new year: What can I do this coming year to keep my focus on the truth of who God is?
Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me to seek your face and see you for who you truly are!
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“A Life Built on the Word of God” - Matthew 7:24-27
Questions for further reflection:
1) Do I have any foundations in my life other than the Word of God?
2) Am I content with knowing the Word of God or am I committed to obeying it?
3) What is the area God is calling me to obedience right now?
Prayer Prompt: Pray that God would use the Word of God in your life to solidify the decisions you make in every area of your life.
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“The Fight” - Galatians 5:16-26
Questions for further reflection:
1. Read Galatians 5:13-26. What does Paul say about how the Galatians relate to one another (5:15, 26)? Maintaining Christian freedom is a battle, not only in the church but in each of us as believers. Read Galatians 5:16-18. How does he describe this battle?
2. Randy told us about his friend Keith, who thought he was no longer a Christian because he kept “messing up” (Galatians 5:19-21) and thought he lost his salvation (Gal. 5:21). How will you help him?
3. What are three ways to “walk by the Spirit” from Galatians 5:24-26? Which one of these is most meaningful to you right now? Why?
Prayer Prompt: The way “in” to the Christian life (by grace through faith in Christ and life in the Spirit) is the way “on” (growing in Christ and bearing fruit). Give thanks to God that our sins are forgiven on the cross of Christ. Confess sins that may have hindered your fellowship with the Lord and receive his forgiveness (1 John 1:9). Ask the Father to allow the Spirit of Christ to so fill your church that outsiders will see the fruit of the Spirit at Faith Baptist Church.
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Easter Sunday “Resurrection Life” - Romans 6:5-11
Questions for further reflection:
1) How do you feel enslaved to sin?
2) How has Jesus defeated sin and death?
3) What does it mean for you to live alive in Jesus?
Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me put sin to death and live resurrection life in Jesus.
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“Resilient Joy” - Philippians 3:7-9
Questions for further reflection:
1) How are you called to love the church?
2) How can you outdo showing honor to those in the church?
3) What is so challenging about loving the world?
Prayer Prompt: Lord, give me the grace to love like Jesus.
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“Our Eyes Are On You” - 2 Chronicles 20:1-21
Questions for further reflection:
1) What are the benefits of comparing God's nature with your problems?
2) What are the common barriers to simple dependence on God?
3) How is the free gift of salvation applied to our daily lives and challenges we face?
Prayer Prompt: Lord I believe that You are __________ so I trust You with ___________.
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“Remember” - Deuteronomy 7:17-19
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“Light in the Darkness” - Isaiah 9:2-7 (Christmas 2023)
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“Believe” - Luke 24:1-12 (Easter Sunday)
Questions for further reflection:
1) Why is it difficult to believe Jesus rose from the dead?
2) Is it hard or difficult for you to listen to what Jesus says?
3) Are you eyes opened to and heart burning for Jesus?
Prayer Prompt: Pray for open eyes and a burning heart for Jesus.
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Reconciled to be Ambassadors - 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Questions for further reflection:
1) Are you reconciled to Jesus?
2) Are you being an Ambassador for Jesus?
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Sacrament Sunday - Ephesians 2:8-9
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Draw Near - Hebrews 4:14-16
Questions for further reflection:
1) What is our confession of Jesus?
2) Why does the ascension of Jesus matter?
3) Why can we “draw near” to Jesus? How do we do so?
4) Ask yourself: When are times that I can draw near to God?
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