

Mark 14:66-72

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is Peter crumbling?

2) Luke 22:61 says that Jesus turned and looked at Peter after the third denial. What was the look on Jesus's face?

3) What are things we can do to keep our minds from forgetting God's goodness to us in the past?

4) How does Jesus restore Peter?

5) What is Peter supposed to do with Jesus's Church? What does that mean for you?

6) How does Jesus drawing near to Peter give you hope?

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Gethsemane, Pt. 2

"Gethsemane, Pt. 2"

Mark 14:41-52

Questions for further reflection:

1) How does Jesus go toward suffering?

2) What does this show us about Jesus?

3) What is the irony of what Judas says and does?

4) What have the disciples experienced before the betrayal that makes their running so stark?

5) Examine your own readiness to abandon Jesus.

6) How does Jesus's steadfastness give you hope?

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Mark 14:27-40

Questions for further reflection:

1) What is significant about Jesus quoting Zechariah 13:7?

2) When have you been like Peter?

3) How have you denied Jesus?

4) What does the cup contain?

5) How does Jesus's prayer help us?

6) Why is Jesus's faithfulness so comforting?

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The Last Supper

"The Last Supper"

Mark 14:22-26

Questions for further reflection:

1) What was the Passover?

2) How does the Passover anticipate this new memorial?

3) Why does Jesus interrupt what normally occurs?

4) What does the blood represent?

5) Why does Jesus give a future promise?

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Passover Preparation

"Passover Preparation"

Mark 14:12-21

Questions for further reflection:

1) How is Jesus prepared?

2) What does Jesus's preparedness show us His omniscience?

3) How does this give you hope?

4) How is Jesus preparing the disciples?

5) Why do all the disciples ask, "Is it I?"

6) How can you better prepare for suffering before it comes?

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Mark 14:1-11

Questions for further reflection

1) Why is hate so strong?

2) Why is Judas so enraged?

3) Why is the woman's action so extravagant?

4) How can you care for the poor?

5) What are ways you can beautifully express your love?

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The End

"The End"

Mark 13

Questions for further reflection:

1) What does it mean to be on guard because persecution is coming?

2) How are we to prepare ourselves for questioning?

3) What proofs are there that we are in a time of tribulation?

4) Why does Jesus coming back give you hope?

5) What does it look like for you to "stay awake"?

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Mark 12:41-44

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is Jesus observing what people are giving?
2) Why are you tempted to give more when there will be recognition?
3) How does Jesus define generosity?
4) What does our giving or lack of giving show?
5) How might God be challenging you as it relates to giving?
6) How is Jesus the definition of generosity?

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The Great Commandment

"The Great Commandment"

Mark 12:28-34

Question for further reflection:

1) Why is Jesus asked His view on the commands?

2) What is so important about Jesus's response?

3) How does 1 John 4:7-12 help us apply these truths?

4) Are you all-in with Jesus?

5) How does Jesus provide our solution to disobeying these commands?

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Resurrection Life

"Resurrection Life"

Mark 12:18-27

Questions for further reflection:

1) What do the Sadducees believe and why?

2) What is the tone of the scenario they put forth?

3) Why is Jesus so blunt with them?

4) What does the resurrection provide?

5) How can spending time in the Word help us when difficulties arise?

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Mark 12:13-17

Questions for further reflection:

1) How are the leaders trying to trap Jesus?

2) How does Jesus trap the leaders?

3) What is one way you can genuinely encourage someone around you?

4) What does it look like to honor the leaders over you?

5) What is God requiring of you?

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Mark 12:1-12

Questions for further reflection:

1) When have you felt rejection most acutely

2) Why does Jesus tell a parable?

3) What is the point of this parable?

4) How has God been loving and patient in your own life?

5) Why is Jesus being rejected good news?

6) How does 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9-10 give understanding for us today?

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Mark 11:12-25

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why does Jesus judge hypocrisy?

2) How are you being convicted of hypocrisy in your own life?

3) Why does Jesus respond so harshly to the hindrances to worship?

4) What are the Jewish leaders supposed to be doing for the non-Jews?

5) How does Jesus use the example of the fig tree to teach the disciples?

6) Who is someone you need to forgive?

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Mark 10:32-45

Questions for further reflection:

1) How did Jesus serve?

2) Why is serving so hard?

3) Why are James and John concerned about where to sit?

4) How are you like James and John?

5) What did Jesus come to do?

6) Why is that good news for those of us who are selfish?

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Mark 10:17-31

Questions for further reflection:

1) What must you do to be saved?

2) What are you being shown to be holding too tightly?

3) Who can be saved?

4) Why is a surrendered life worth it?

5) How has Jesus led the way?

6) Are you all in?

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