“An Interlude of Grace” - Judges 12:8 - 13:25

Questions for further reflection:

1) How has God miraculously intervened in your life?

2) What do you need to bring the Lord in prayer, knowing He will graciously incline His ear toward you?

3) Where is God’s gracious provision blessing your life?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, thank you for times when you bring light in dark places.

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“Desperate Times, Desperate Measures” - Judges 10:17 - 12:7

Questions for further reflection:

1) When have you gotten yourself into trouble by reacting to a desperate situation?

2) Why do you think grasping for control is such a powerful impulse in the face of trouble?

3) What has helped you slow down and rely on the Lord?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me trust you in times of difficulty, with confidence in the sufficiency of Christ.

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“The Pattern of Sin” - Judges 10:1-16

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why don't you turn to the Lord?

2) When has your sin lead to deep distress?

3) How does God being merciful lead you to repentance?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, thank you for your abundant mercy; let that drive me to repent and follow Jesus.

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“The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree” - Judges 9

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Questions for further reflection:

1) Where are you tempted to pursue power at the expense of your family?

2) What part can you play in seeing Christ's Bride flourish?

3) How can you make sure God's perfect justice is known?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, direct me to your perfect power, trusting your good and perfect ways.

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“When Success Goes to Your Head” - Judges 8

Questions for further reflection:

1) Where do you feel self-confident? When has over confidence gotten you in trouble?

2) Are you taking matters into your own hands or are you depending on the Lord?

3) Why do we need Philippians 2:5-11 to fight pride?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, show me where I need to depend on You more.

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“Testing” - Judges 6-7

Questions for further reflection:

1) What doubts have you had about your faith?

2) How have you seen the Lord supply what you are lacking?

3) When have you seen the Lord save even when struggling with doubts?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!

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“That Was Unexpected” - Judges 4-5

Questions for further reflection:

1) What women have you seen the Lord work through in your life to help you grow your faith?

2) Why does the church need men to step up and lead well?

3) How can you better worship God through song?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, keep me from passivity, and help me to live with passion for Your glory.

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“Do Not Forget” - Judges 3:7-31

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why do you forget what the Lord has done?

2) How have you seen the Lord work through a physical weakness for His glory?

3) Why is it good that we are weak?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, remind me often that it is when I am weak that You are strong.

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“The Effects of Influence” - Judges 2:6 - 3:6

Questions for further reflection:

1) Who has helped you grow in your faith? How have they helped you?

2) Why is it easy to forget what the Lord has done?

3) What is good about being tested?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, show me where my desires are leading me that will not satisfy.

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“Stopping Short” - Judges 1:1 - 2:5

Audio only

Questions for further reflection:

1) Have their been moments in your faith where you felt like you were doing really well?

2) How does choosing convenience lead to disobedience in your life?

3) How have you seen God remain faithful when you have not been?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, amaze me again that you remain faithful when I am not.

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