“ A Fond Farewell” - Colossians 4:7-18

Questions for further reflection:

1) Who has encouraged you in the faith and ministry?

2) Who are you encouraging in the faith and ministry?

3) What personal touch can you add this week so another is encouraged?

Prayer Prompt: Pray that you would fulfill the ministry you have received from the Lord.

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“Living Out the Faith” - Colossians 4:2-6

Questions for further reflection:

1) What are some ways you can incorporate prayer into your life so you are steadfast in prayer?

2) How is the Lord challenging you to make the best use of the time?

3) Who do you need to declare the gospel to?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, lift up my eyes to You and then direct me to others that need You!

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“ Work” - Colossians 3:22 - 4:1

Questions for further reflection:

1) If you are an employee, how can you best live your responsibility?

2) If you are an employer, how can you best live your responsibility?

3) How does remembering your identity in Christ enable you to live out these commands?

Prayer Prompt: Pray the Lord will give you the grace you need to live your responsibility.

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“Marriage” - Colossians 3:18-19

Questions for further reflection:

1) What is helpful and hard about the text telling wives to submit to their husbands?

2) What is helpful and hard about the text telling husbands to love and not be harsh with their wives?

3) Why are growing, healthy Christian marriages so important?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, strengthen the marriages at Faith Baptist Church, and keep our eyes lifted up to You!

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“Instructions for Community, Pt. 2” - Colossians 3:15-17

Questions for further reflection:

1) Does peace of Christ rule your interactions with other members of Faith Baptist Church?

2) Does the Word and Gospel of God dwell richly in our midst? In your own heart? In your own Words?

3) Does your philosophy of worship music have more to do with taste of tune or formation of your soul?

4) What aspects of your life need to still be formed to an ambassador mindset?

5) Would you say you're more defined by being cynical, prideful, critical, or grateful?

Prayer Prompt: Pray through Psalm 34, praying specifically to be made to be more grateful, more worshipful, and more "radiant" (showing the glory of Christ to the world).

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“Instructions for Community, Pt. 1” - Colossians 3:12-14

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is remembering our identity so important?

2) Which of the essential attributes do you need to display in the community of FBC?

3) How have you seen love unite?

Prayer Prompt: Pray that the Lord would help you put on love so that we can be perfectly united.

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“Hidden” - Colossians 3:1-4 (Audio Only)

Questions for further reflection:

1) What might it look like for you to “seek the things that are above?”

2) How does setting your mind on things above help with the things of earth?

3) What is significant for you that you are hidden in Christ?

Prayer Prompt: Pray that God, in His grace, will enable you to seek the things that are above.

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“Other Regulations” - Colossians 2:16-23

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is following rules of no value?

2) What are the benefits of holding on to Christ?

3) What growth can you thank God for that He has produced by His power?

Prayer Prompt: Pray that the Lord, by His power, will enable you to cling to Christ.

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Baptism Devotion from Colossians

6 Ambassadors Youth Ministry students were baptized!

They recognized by being baptized that they were:

1) Saved by God

2) United to the church of Jesus Christ

3) They have been given a new identity

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“United” - Colossians 2:11-15

Questions for further reflection:

1) What does being united to Christ signify for you?

2) Why is our salvation so miraculous?

3) How does Jesus's victory protect you?

Prayer Prompt: Lord remind me daily I've been brought from death to life and that I'm united to Jesus.

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“A Captivating World” - Colossians 2:8-10

Questions for further reflection:

1) What are ways you need to be on guard so as to not be deceived?

2) How has Jesus proven to you that He's sufficient?

3) How have you seen yourself be filled with Jesus?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, keep me from being deceived and to keep looking to Jesus as my head.

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“Walk In What You Received” - Colossians 2:6-7

Questions for further reflection:

1) Do you still live as if Christ is not Lord? Are you rooted and built upon his lordship? If you performed a self-examination, what parts of your life are built on the sand?

2) Does your life confirm the faith that you claim to believe? Do you know the Christian faith well enough to do a "side by side" comparison?

3) Does the gospel touch your soul in such a way that you're [i]abounding[/i] in thanksgiving?

Prayer Prompt: Father give me a clearer vision of the lordship of Christ, and help me to root and build my life upon him, so that I might walk in him in my family, workplace, community, and world.

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“Struggling for a Firm Faith” - Colossians 2:1-5

Questions for further reflection:

1) What is the evidence of encouragement?

 2) How do you look for your treasure in Jesus?

3) How might Satan be trying to lull you to sleep?

Prayer Prompt: Pray for God to increase your desire for Jesus and for Him to be your treasure.

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“Necessities for Gospel Advancement” - Colossians 1:24-29

Questions for further reflection:

1) Have there been times when you suffered for the gospel? What happened?

2) How does Paul's toiling help you decide what to toil for?

3) Who is God challenging you to consider for B.L.E.S.S.?

Prayer Point: Pray for who God is challenging you to consider for B.L.E.S.S.

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“Keep Going” - Colossians 1:21-23

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why is it important to remember our state before Jesus?

2) Why has God reconciled us?

3) How are you holding on to the hope of the gospel?

Prayer Point: Pray for grace to persevere in the gospel during suffering and during great times.

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“Supreme” - Colossians 1:15-20

Questions for further reflection:

1) What about Jesus being the image of God helps you understand God better?

2) If Jesus holds all things together, what does that mean for you if things feel like they are unraveling?

3) How can you use this passage to help you grow as a follower of Jesus?

Prayer Prompt: Father, show me more of Jesus!

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“Walking Worthy” - Colossians 1:9-14

Questions for further reflection:

1) How might the Lord be, even now, pressing you to be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding?

2) Which of the four phrases (bearing fruit, increasing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened, or giving thanks to the Father) do you hope to grow in this year?

3) How would this prayer encourage the Colossian believers? How does it encourage you?

Prayer Prompt: Who can you pray for while using Colossians 1:9-14 as your guide?

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"Thankful Greeting" - Colossians 1:1-8

Questions for further reflection:

1) What are some ways you can connect with fellow believers in Jesus from around the world to encourage them?

2) How can the “hope laid up in heaven” be a motivator for your faith?

3) Where is the Lord calling you to be a part of the gospel bearing fruit and increasing? Who around you needs the good news?

Prayer Point: Pray that the Lord would increase your hope laid up in heaven so your faith in Christ and love for the saints would grow.

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