Joy - Philippians 1:18c-26

Questions for further reflection:

1) How does Philippians 3:1, 7-9 help us understand that joy is found in Jesus?

2) Has there been a time when you've had joy in affliction? How did that happen for you?

3) Why does Paul have joy even in death?

4) How can you help another find true joy?

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Peace - Luke 1:67-79

Questions for further reflection:

1) What parallels do you see between Zechariah & Elizabeth, and Abraham and Sarah?

2) Why does God visiting His people provide peace?

3) What are the ways God delivers in this passage?

4) Who do you need to bring the way of peace to?

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Hope - Isaiah 52:1-10

Questions for further reflection:

1) Why do we get stuck when things are hard?

2) Why does God want us to wake up?

3) Why is it important to remember where you've come from?

4) How does the promise of a future victory encourage you today?

5) What picture of hope from this passage do you need to cling to?

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