“How to Wait” - Habakkuk 3

Questions for further reflection:

1) Where do you need God's mercy right now?

2) How can remembering what God has done in the past help in the present?

3) How are you enabled to rejoice no matter what?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, please provide the grace I need so I might rejoice no matter what.

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“2 Kingdoms” - Habakkuk 2:6-20

Questions for further reflection:

1) What are other defining features of Kingdom #2 that weren't mentioned in the sermon?

2) What is one aspect of your life that needs to be more like Kingdom 2?

3) Do you yearn or pray for the Coming Kingdom?, if not how could that change?

Prayer Prompt: Come Lord Jesus

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“How To Live” - Habakkuk 1:12-25

Questions for further reflection:

1) Where are you experiencing confusion with God and His ways, like Habakkuk was?

2) Why can you trust that God will do what He says?

3) How is God calling you to live faithfully in a sin-broken world?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, I need your grace to live by faith and to live faithfully.

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“How Long Shall I Cry?” - Habakkuk 1:1-11

Questions for further reflection:

1) When have you felt like Habakkuk?

2) Do you feel like you can complain to God? Why or why not?

3) Why is God's response to Habakkuk so surprising to you?

Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me to trust what you are doing even if it doesn't make sense to me.

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